Dear Arts Management Students
Welcome to the Arts Management Department at RWCMD. There’s only a few more months until you join us to commence your studies and staff are very much looking forward to meeting you – I hope you’re excited to be joining our arts management family.
We use a blended learning approach to teaching and learning which means that whilst sessions are taught in-person we also utilise virtual learning – for example: viewing pre or post session materials or some guests joining us remotely to deliver sessions. This approach may be different to what you’re used to, but it works really well and enriches the learning experience by not only giving our students access to the highest quality professionals but also helps keep us up to date with the latest industry skills and thinking.
We will provide you with a comprehensive timetable (published at the start of September) so you can see module schemes of work and the range of guest sessions you will experience across the autumn term. Your initial aim should be to start networking from day 1, so do take note of our guest specialists/where they work and undertake some research in advance so you are able to ask relevant questions in sessions.
As mentioned at interview, the course is very demanding – both of your time and brain power. If you’re used to a very light touch at undergraduate level or have been out of a learning environment for some time, you may find the immersive conservatoire approach quite full-on, so do make sure you clear the decks to allow you to focus on your studies. At PG level there is also a shift in dynamic to that of UG study – as a post-graduate student, you will need to actively engage with your own self-directed learning from the start of the course to get the most from sessions. Self-directed learning is a process where individuals take ownership of their learning journey in terms of exploring concepts outside of sessions rather than expecting to be taught everything they need to know and given all the answers (Merriam et al, 2017). We provide lots of sign-posting to information alongside taught module content, but part of our learning contract is that you work in the same way as if you were in a job, seeking answers to things you don’t know and solving issues as you work through challenges. Self-directed learning also means you will be responsible for your own time-management, planning and continuous self-evaluation.
Your well-being is important to us and as a result, we build in time for reflection and consolidation, but there’s no substitute for building in your own quality downtime to keep yourself sane and on target with your studies throughout your learning journey!
We are a paperless course so you will get access to reading lists and learning resources via our VLE which is called Moodle – you will be automatically registered to the relevant modules on Moodle upon entry – and your course timetable will be available there as well as on ASIMUT. You will receive information on accessing both these platforms with your college email i.d. and password via the Admissions/Academic Services team prior to course commencement.
When you get your timetable, please take note of the general college induction days at the start of term that accompany course registration. These will have an impact on your attendance mode for the first week if you are studying with us part-time – this is a one-off occurrence, so we ask you to try to build the additional time into your diary if you can.
If you’re looking to do any reading prior to joining us, the best advice I can pass on is to stay up to date with what’s happening in industry. Whilst we do have a library reading book list, our best practice learning preference is for our students to immerse themselves in what’s happening across the creative industries in order to maintain currency. Follow people, companies and venues on social media and always be curious.
If you have any queries, get in touch with the Admissions/Academic Services team. Otherwise, we look forward to welcoming you to RWCMD in September.
All the best
Karen Pimbley
Head of Arts Management
Pennaeth Rheolaeth yn y Celfyddydau
Annwyl Fyfyrwyr Rheolaeth yn y Celfyddydau
Croeso i MA Rheolaeth yn y Celfyddydau yn CBCDC. Dim ond ychydig fisoedd nes i chi ymuno â ni i gychwyn ar eich astudiaethau ac mae pawb yn edrych ymlaen at gwrdd â chi. Gobeithio eich bod yn gyffrous i ymuno a teulu rheoli y celfyddydau.
Rydym yn defnyddio dull dysgu cyfunol o addysgu sy’n golygu, er bod sesiynau’n cael eu haddysgu’n bersonol, rydym hefyd yn defnyddio dysgu rhithwir, boed hynny trwy grwpiau trafod ar-lein neu wrth wylio/gwrando ar ddeunyddiau cyn neu ar ôl sesiwn. Rydym hefyd yn elwa o gwesteion yn ymuno â ni i gyflwyno sesiynau. Gall y dull hwn fod yn wahanol i’r hyn yr ydych wedi arfer ag ond mae’n gweithio’n dda iawn ac mae’r ddau yn cyfoethogi’r profiad dysgu ac yn rhoi’r wybodaeth i fyfyrwyr am sgiliau a meddwl diweddaraf y diwydiant.
Byddwn yn rhoi amserlen gynhwysfawr i chi (a gyhoeddir ar ddechrau mis Medi) fel y gallwch weld cynlluniau gwaith modiwl a’r ystod o sesiynau gwadd y byddwch yn eu profi ar draws y tymor. Eich nod cychwynnol ddylai fod i ddechrau rhwydweithio o’r diwrnod cyntaf, felly cofiwch gymryd sylw o’n harbenigwyr gwadd/lle maent yn gweithio a gwneud rhywfaint o ymchwil ymlaen llaw ar sefydliadau fel eich bod yn gallu gofyn cwestiynau mewn sesiynau.
Fel y soniwyd yn y cyfweliad, mae’r cwrs yn feichus iawn – eich amser a’ch pŵer ymennydd. Os ydych chi wedi arfer â chyffyrddiad ysgafn iawn ar lefel israddedig neu wedi bod allan o amgylchedd dysgu ers amser, efallai y bydd y dull conservatoire yn eithaf llawn, felly gwnewch yn siŵr eich bod yn clirio’r deciau er mwyn caniatau i chi ganolbwyntio ar eich astudiaethau. Ar lefel ol-raddedig mae newid deinamig i gymharu a astudiaeth israddedig – fel myfyriwr ol-raddedig, bydd angen i chi ymgysylltu’n weithredol â’ch dysgu hunangyfeiriedig eich hun o ddechrau’r cwrs er mwyn cael y gorau o’r sesiynau. Mae dysgu hunangyfeiriedig yn broses lle mae unigolion yn cymryd perchnogaeth o’u taith ddysgu (Merriam et al, 2017) o ran archwilio cysyniadau y tu allan i sesiynau yn hytrach na disgwyl i ddysgu popeth sydd angen ei wybod a chael yr holl atebion. Rydym yn darparu llawer o gyfeiriadau at wybodaeth ochr yn ochr â chynnwys modiwlau a addysgir, ond rhan o’n contract dysgu yw eich bod yn gweithio yn yr un ffordd â phe baech mewn swydd, yn chwilio am atebion i bethau nad ydych yn eu gwybod ac i ddatrys problemau wrth i chi weithio drwy heriau. Mae dysgu hunangyfeiriedig hefyd yn golygu y byddwch yn gyfrifol am rheoli amser, cynllunio a hunanwerthuso parhaus eich hun.
Mae eich llesiant yn bwysig i ni ac o ganlyniad, rydym yn adeiladu amser ar gyfer myfyrio a chydgrynhoi, ond nid oes eilydd i gadw eich hun â’r targed â’ch astudiaethau trwy gydol eich taith dysgu!
Rydym yn gwrs di-bapur felly byddwch yn cael mynediad at restrau darllen ac adnoddau dysgu trwy ein VLE – byddwch wedi cofrestru’n awtomatig i’r modiwlau perthnasol ar Moodle, a bydd amserlen eich cwrs ar gael yno yn ogystal ag ar ASIMUT. Byddwch yn derbyn gwybodaeth am gyrchu’r ddau blatfform hyn gyda eich e-bost coleg i.d. a chyfrinair trwy’r tîm Derbyniadau / Gwasanaethau Academaidd cyn dechrau’r cwrs.
Pan gewch eich amserlen, a fyddech cystal â nodi’r diwrnodau sefydlu cyffredinol yn y coleg ar ddechrau’r tymor sy’n cyd-fynd â chofrestru cwrs. Bydd rhain yn cael effaith ar eich modd presenoldeb am yr wythnos gyntaf os ydych yn astudio gyda ni yn rhan-amser – digwyddiad unwaith ac am byth yw hwn, felly gofynnwn i chi gynnwys yr amser ychwanegol yn eich dyddiadur os gallwch.
Os oes gennych unrhyw ymholiadau, cysylltwch â’r tîm Mynediadau/Gwasanaethau Academaidd. Fel arall, edrychwn ymlaen at eich croesawu i CBCDC ym mis Medi.
Dymuniadau gorau,
Karen Pimbley
Head of Arts Management
Pennaeth Rheolaeth yn y Celfyddydau