If you have the funds to pay your fees in full before your course starts you may qualify for an Early Settlement Discount of 2%
Terms and Conditions
- Tuition fees must be paid in FULL (after any College Administered Scholarships / Bursaries) and cleared in the College Account before the end of the second week of the published start of the academic year (2024/25 this will be 4th October 2024).
- The 2% discount is calculated after deductions of any College Administered Scholarships / Bursaries.
- Sponsors letters of promise to pay do not constitute payment.
- Students receiving external funding / scholarships which is paid after the discount deadline, may receive the discount if they pay fees in full, which would then be refunded subject to cleared external funds being received.
- Declined payments, including declined card payments and cheques not honoured will forfeit any early settlement discount.
- Discount is only applicable to International and Postgraduate Tuition Fees, there is no discount on the £9k undergraduate fee.